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Painless - Root Canal Treatment (R.C.T.)

Root canal treatment is a procedure used to repair and save a tooth that is badly decayed or becomes infected. Root canal procedures have a myth of being painful. However, with the advent of latest technologies all the patients at our clinic have reported with no pain during the procedure.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry is generally referred to a highly skilled process that helps to improve the apperance of a person's teeth, gums and or face. We understand that every person has a unique smile and the procedure differs from person to person. Keeping that as our goal we strive to provide a tailored service that works out best for you.

Dental Implants

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root which looks like a screw that a dentist places into your jaw to hold a replacement tooth or bridge. Dental implants are an ideal option for people in good general oral health who have lost a tooth or teeth due to periodontal disease, an injury, or some other reason. While high-tech in nature, dental implants are actually more tooth-saving than traditional bridgework, since implants do not rely on neighbouring teeth for support.

Dental Braces (Orthodontia)

Dental braces also known as orthodontic braces, or simply braces are devices used in orthodontics that align and straighten teeth and help to position them with regard to a person's bite, while also working to improve dental health. They are often used to correct underbites, as well as malocclusions, overbites, cross bites, open bites, deep bites, crooked teeth, and various other flaws of the teeth and jaw. Braces can be either cosmetic or structural. Dental braces or orthodontic braces are often used in conjunction with other orthodontic appliances to help widen the palate or jaws and to otherwise assist in shaping the teeth and jaws.

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